Chrome Autocomplete Cleaner

ChromeGoogle Chrome

Ever want to clear certain items from your Chrome autocomplete list? You’re at the right place, following this guide will help you do just that.

Download and install SQLlite Browser

Important: Before you make any changes you should backup the files in order to avoid accidentally corrupting or losing data.

Make sure that your Chrome browser is close continuing any further. Perhaps open this page on a Firefox browser while to be able to continue to follow these instructions.

On MacOSX open this file with the SQL Lite DB Browser

~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Web Data

On Windows open this file with the SQL Lite DB Browser

Open C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Web Data

Go to the  Browse Data tab.

Choose the table autofill to view the records. You can remove records and save the changes.

There are other files in the /Default folder that can be managed with SQL Lite Browser.

